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Antique and Vintage Show 40th+ in VERDI, NV

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 08/23/2024 to 08/25/2024
City/State VERDI, NV
Promoter Tanner's Marketplace
Event Name Antique and Vintage Show 40th+
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Event Location NOT YET FINAL -Boomtown Casino, 2100 Boomtown Garson Rd
Craftmaster Codes CALL FOR INFO,A,IS
60 BTHS,JU,NS,$6 Adm,F/S 10-5,Su 10-4pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Because of the long standing of this Show with strong support from collectors, over sixty exhibitors from nine states take part in this Event. Known by local enthusiasts as the largest, finest show in the Cal Neva area, shoppers discover a wide variety of merchandise, including slot machines, and gambling related items; Western Americana; American Indian and Native American art; American and European furniture and furnishings; tools, militaria and sporting; lighting fixtures; kitchen and country primitives; Victorian and American art glass and art pottery; sterling silver and silverplate flatware and holloware; estate and costume jewelry; fine porcelains and china; toys and dolls; linens and textiles; paper collectibles (including prints, maps, magazines and books) and refurbished and upscaled.

2023 heralded the last chapter for the Truckee High School location. Increasing costs have made it economically infeasible to hold the show there in the future. A search was begun to find a location that was still close enough to Truckee that our friends and customers can still come. Boomtown Casino is fairly close - being at the bottom of the hill from Truckee - and they have a nice showroom and other amenities that the school didn't have. Accommodations and food are also a lot less expensive and we will get customers that didn't want to go all the way to Truckee.
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