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Craft Fair 2nd in NORMAN, OK

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 09/28/2024
City/State NORMAN, OK
Promoter Bethel Baptist Church
Event Name Craft Fair 2nd
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Event Location The Annex at Bethel Baptist Church, 1132 McGee Dr.
Craftmaster Codes $25-$45,8X8-8X10,AC,FA,CL,DB,DM,F,JY
60 BTHS,DL 8/15,9am-3pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info We are excited to host our craft fair at Bethel Baptist Church in Norman, OK. This one day event will feature vendors of various kinds with homemade crafts. We will accept one vendor from any national company, Scentsy, Mary Kay, etc. We have 8ft. tables only for $25; 8x8 for $40; and 8x10 for $45. Additional 8 ft tables are $5, and plug access is $5. Vendor is responsible for extension cords. Limited availability. Access for set up will be 9.27.24 from 4-8pm, and 9.28.24 from 7 to 8:45am. Door open to the public from 9am to 3pm. Vendors must not break down their booth until 3:00pm. Concessions, drinks and baked goods are also available. All booths and tables include chairs as needed.
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