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Blanco Lavender Festival 20th in BLANCO, TX

Date 06/06/2025 to 06/08/2025
City/State BLANCO, TX
Promoter Chamber of Commerce
Event Name Blanco Lavender Festival 20th
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Event Location Town Square
Craftmaster Codes $275,10X10,20X20,ACO,FAO,CL,DB,E,F,JY
33,000 ATTN,4 PH,PWR $25,CRQ,OS,JU,NS
115 BTHS,FREE ADM,F Noon-6,Sa9-6,Su10-4
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Open to individual artists and craftspeople presenting original works. A small, select group of manufactured,
imported or resale items will be allowed in the arts and crafts area; however, only those of the highest quality and in keeping
with our festival’s standards will be considered. Demonstrating your art or craft, while not required, is considered a bonus. To
maintain the quality and balance of the arts and crafts shown, this is a juried show. The Blanco Chamber of Commerce reserves
the right to reject any displayed merchandise that is not in keeping with the examples submitted to and approved by the jury. No
items bearing the words “Blanco Lavender Festival” and/or “Lavender Capital of Texas” or its logos will be allowed without
the prior approval of the Blanco Chamber of Commerce.
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