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Arts & Crafts Festival in PINE, AZ

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 07/06/2024 to 07/07/2024
City/State PINE, AZ
Promoter Pine-Strawberry A/C Guild
Event Name Arts & Crafts Festival
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Event Location Pine Community Center , Hwy 87 & Randall Place
Craftmaster Codes CALL FOR FEES,10X10;8X8,ACO
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Saturday and Sunday mornings all you can eat pancakes and sausages, coffee, juice. Museum on property, thrift store. Library has a book sale. many antique shops, hiking trails many things to do while visiting our shows. Crafters are jewelers, woodcrafters, candle makers, gourds, hand knitted items, hand painted items , hand crafted baskets and so many more crafts. All our profit goes back to the community, the food bank, school, library, museum, senior center, Rescue Squad and many more. Come and enjoy god weather, we hope and clean air.
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