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Renaissance Faire 18th in SHOW LOW, AZ

Date 07/11/2025 to 07/13/2025
City/State SHOW LOW, AZ
Promoter Mountain of Hope Foundation/Village EVENTures
Event Name Renaissance Faire 18th
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
Phone# (On file for subscribers)
FAX/Other# (On file for subscribers)
Mailing Address (On file for subscribers)
City/State/Zip (On file for subscribers)
Email (On file for subscribers)
Website (On file for subscribers)
Event Location Frontier Field Park 650 N. 9th Place
Craftmaster Codes $200-$350,10X10+,ACO,FAO,CL,E,F,JY,DR
50+ BTHS,CRQ,OS,INS,OCS,12-7,10-7,10-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Applications are available through the Eventeny link above. Vendors can set up an online store to showcase their offerings after approval and fees are paid in full. All retail, as well as booths/set-ups, must fit the theme of the event. If you have a website, let us know so we can see your products and setup. Applications require a deposit. If you are not approved for the event, your deposit will be refunded. No refunds will be issued once approval has been issued. We will provide you with space prices, set-up dates, and all other information you may need!
This is a rain, shine, or wind event...be prepared for any kind of weather! Show hours are Fri 12- 7, Sat 10-7, Sun 10-5.

Adults - $18
Kids (5-14) - $8
Wee Ones - FREE!

Load in: 7/10 9am Load out: 7/14 by 12 noon
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